from fastapi import FastAPI, Response, status, HTTPException, Depends, APIRouter from .. import models, schemas, oauth2 from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from ..database import get_db from typing import List, Optional router = APIRouter(prefix="/posts", tags=["Posts"]) @router.get("/", response_model=List[schemas.PostOut]) # Siin List (from typing lib), sest võttame mitu posti, teistes vaid 1 async def get_posts(db: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: int = Depends(oauth2.get_current_user) ,limit: int = 10, skip: int = 0, search: Optional[str] = ""): #cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM posts """) #posts = cursor.fetchall() #Lots of query parameter stuff here, kinda testing atm. #posts = db.query(models.Post).filter(models.Post.title.contains(search)).limit(limit).offset(skip).all() posts = db.query(models.Post, func.count(models.Vote.post_id).label("votes") ).join(models.Vote, models.Vote.post_id ==, isouter=True).group_by( return posts #FastAPI converts automaticaly into json types stuff @router.get("/{id}", response_model=schemas.PostOut) #ID is called "path parameter" , could name it dingdong if wanted. Its just like a argument/variable async def get_post(id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: int = Depends(oauth2.get_current_user)): #id: int > Et url ei oleks "afasdfasdfasf" <-- Siis viskab errori. Response imported from FastAPI #cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = %s RETURNING *""", (str(id))) #post = cursor.fetchone() #post = db.query(models.Post).filter( == id).first() post = db.query(models.Post, func.count(models.Vote.post_id).label("votes") ).join(models.Vote, models.Vote.post_id ==, isouter=True).group_by( == id).first() if not post: raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Post with id: {id} was not found") return post"/", status_code = status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=schemas.Post) # Create puhul default kood 201. Miks mitte lihtsalt "201", miks status.blabblalba async def create_posts(post: schemas.PostCreate,db: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: int = Depends(oauth2.get_current_user) ): # Ekstraktib body read dictiks "pay.. #cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO posts(title, content, published) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) #RETURNING * """, (post.title, post.content, post.published) ) #new_post = cursor.fetchone() #conn.commit() print( #new_post = models.Post(title=post.title, content=post.content, published=post.published) new_post = models.Post(, **post.dict()) # Sama mis ülal, ilusamini db.add(new_post) db.commit() # not sure why have to add+commit, but hey db.refresh(new_post) # sama mis SQL: "RESPONDING *" return new_post @router.put("/{id}") def update_post(id: int, post: schemas.PostCreate, db: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: int = Depends(oauth2.get_current_user) ): post_query = db.query(models.Post).filter( == id) posters = post_query.first() if posters == None: raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail = f"post with id: {id} was not found") if posters.owner_id != raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail=f"Not authorized duuud") post_query.update(post.dict(), synchronize_session=False) db.commit() return post_query.first() @router.delete("/{id}", status_code = status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) async def delete_post(id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db), current_user: int = Depends(oauth2.get_current_user) ): #cursor.execute(""" DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = %s RETURNING * """, (str(id),)) #deleted_post = cursor.fetchone() #conn.commit() post_query = db.query(models.Post).filter( == id) post = post_query.first() if post == None: raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Post with id: {id} was not found") if post.owner_id != raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail=f"Not authorized duuud") post_query.delete(synchronize_session=False) # Ei tea mis teeb, fastapi docs ütles et panna, vist ka default db.commit() return Response(status_code = status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)